Hold the key down for continuous movement. Makes the character fall down faster (when using a Featherfall Potion).Allows the character to go underwater (when using a Water Walking Potion).Makes the character drop down when standing on a Wood Platform.Makes the character stand on a Step Stool, if equipped.Allows the character to climb up a staircase of Wood Platforms.Slows down fall speed when using a Featherfall Potion.Toggles gravity for character when using a Gravitation Potion.

Right analog stick for smooth movement for by-tile movement. To right click on macOS without a right click button, put two fingers on the trackpad (for laptop users) before clicking to make the same effect as a right click. Open a door or chest, activate switch, talk to NPC, edit a sign/ tombstone, etc. Desktop / Console Versions Gameplay Controls ActionĪttack using held weapon, consume held potion, summon using held mount/ minion summon item, etc.